Black & White Illustration

Normal (with no/simple BG)

Allowed to add props, simple flat details, not too sophisticated perspective. Free if simple.

  • My forte is drawing female characters, characters with feminine features and modern concepts. I cannot draw in the style of cyberpunk, fantasy, future...
  • Private Commission: +20% Total commission price.
  • Commercial Commission: Please contact via email to discuss the details. Commercial work is subjected to higher rates and follow different terms. By commissioning me, you have read and agreed to the terms and prices.
  • All prices below are base prices, exclusively for _ commissions not for commercial purposes_. The factors that add up to the prices are: complex character designs, the number of characters in the commission, complex background, and the amount of detail in general.

Can draw / Cannot draw

 Draw people, Couples/ships.

 OCs and Fan-made Characters.

 Fan art

 Characters with animal characteristics such as ears, tail, fangs...

 Soft gore

X Imitate other people's paintings/works.

X Mecha, futuristic.

X Furry, elderly, too muscular character.

For stuff not listed here, feel free to ask me.


  • Lining + inserting comic-style screentone.
  • Added props, more detailed +$20. Free if simple.
  • Custom Canvas size (Regular Size A4)/300dpi
  • Extra characters: +80% original price for each character. Maximum 3 characters in 1 picture.
  • Complex requests will incur additional charges.

Full Illustration

(BG with complex perspective, please see information below for pricing)

  • Full Illustration with complex perspective: $400.
  • Custom Canvas size (Regular Size A4)/300dpi
  • Extra characters: +80% original price for each character. Maximum 3 characters in 1 picture.


Please fill this form or send an email to titled "Commission" with the following info:

(example: Comic Character Sheet - 1 character , B&W - 2 Full body, etc...)

(Private commission + 20%, deadlines, etc if any)