Hunters & Survivors


Mini charm (2cm)

Standee 5cm

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For shipping purposes. All client's privacy will be strictly confidential and protected

Select characters: Doctor, Gardener, Mercenary, Coordinator, Mechanic, Mind's Eye, Priestess, Prospector, Enchantress, Acrobat, First Officer, Postman, Grave Keeper, Batter, Patient, "Psychologist, Novelist, Weeping Clown, Geisha, The Feaster, Wu Chang (Black or White), Photographer, Dream Witch, Axe Boy, Evil Reptilian (Luchino), Bloody Queen, "Disciple", Sculptor, The Breaking Wheel, Naiad, "Nightmare", Hermit.

The default quantity is one per items . Fill in if you want a specific quantity (eg: 2 sticker pack, 3 kc, 2 tote bag)